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Achieving good education should be the ultimatum of an individual.
It helps him to gain confidence and tackle his problems. With the
emerging trend of smartphones, everything is available at the tip of
our fingers. So why not education?
Web developers and software engineering have made this possible.
E-Learning is reaching out to the people faster than expected. A
child needn’t go to the school to study; he can sit at his home and
avail the online lectures. All study materials and even their queries
are accepted. Educational institutions have moved to e-learning. It
can be done only using Learning Management System. Each of the
term indicates its usage and purpose. First Learning, it is used to
deliver online lecture courses. They can supplement the institution
if a student misses a class, provide training programmes to the
faculties or even a web portal offering online courses. Second
Management, it manages all the courses available and categorizes it
based on the subjects. It makes sure all the students are benefitted
and keep track of the activities of the students. If the students
require assistance to any topics, then the system is notified and
action is taken to make the necessary changes. Even the
performances of the students are noted and they are notified to
improve. Third System, it usually refers to the software. The server
performs the core functionality for creating the courses, making
them available, authenticating users and providing notifications to
them. There are a lot of advantages associated with it. Improvement
in professional development and evaluation techniques motivates
the students to put more effort. It provides better economy of sales
for organizations to provide online resources and circulate the