Ask for Innovative Portfolio: Ask this question to every professional web design company, all they should show is their past work and their client references. By their portfolio you can analyze their past work performance and what type of projects they have completed, further you contact their past client and get feedback on their work.
Questions you must ask before Hiring a Web Development Company
Can we meet your technical expertise: It is another important question that you need to ask before choosing the best web Design Company. If a company has knowledgeable professionals for handling projects, then the company will allow you to contact with their team. By communicating with the team you can check their skills.
What would be the time estimation: Please clear completion time before handing any project and ask for a deadline so that you will be sure how much time they will take.
Can you develop an SEO friendly website: It is one of the most important questions that you should be concerned about, if the company develops an SEO friendly website then your website will get easily indexed and ranked in search engine. Ask some SEO techniques that they will use to build an SEO friendly website.
What will be the overall project cost: All we want to have an innovative website, but we know that the cost of website plays an important role in terms of designing and development. You must ask the website budget before hiring any web design company. If your budget is low and the website company can’t fulfill your requirement in your budget, then you should go to other companies.